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Time, chance, routine, sickness and death all have the power of transformation. We will be changed in life regardless of what we do. Change will come, but is it improvement? Will we change in the direction of God? In this series, Dr. John teaches through the second chapter of Ephesians. It is the hope and promise of God to transform us for His glory.

Dead in Sin

We can only know what we are by understanding what we were. Today Dr. John teaches of our condition before Christ from Ephesians chapter 2. It is not a flattering picture; but facing the truth of what was brings glory to God for what is.

But God

No matter what the situation, God makes all the difference. When Lazarus died, nothing could be done until Jesus appeared. Today Dr. John builds on the truth that we are all dead in our sins. That truth is absolutely irreversible – but for God, who is rich in mercy! God draws near and the hopeless is changed to glory.

Amazing Grace

A pilot, flying in the dark or clouds, learns to trust the instrument panel over their own senses. So too, those hoping for heaven, depend upon God’s Word over their own perspective. Listen as Dr. John teaches from Ephesians 2 about the key words, “Grace and Faith.” These truths are certain guides for life and eternity.

Breaking Down Barriers

Our current society has been labeled as polarized. It seems that the human default is to build fences to separate and divide. Today Dr. John reminds us that the early church faced the challenge of divisive camps. We learn in Ephesians that redemption is more than individual deliverance. Christ has created a new culture of peace among us. He has torn down our fences.

No Longer Strangers

Membership means that you belong to something larger than yourself. It doesn’t deny your individuality but embraces the single with the many. As Dr. John concludes his series on Ephesians 2, we are reminded that in Christ, we belong to something larger than family, congregation, neighbourhood, or nation. Jesus has created an ultimate society in which we are no longer strangers to God or to each other. We belong forever.


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