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The Truth Once for All

If what you learn deviates from essential Christian instruction about Jesus, His cross, the God we are to be reconciled to and the salvation He offers, watch out! Resist this.


Constant Vigilance

The calling from the Bible is that we be constantly aware and on watch as deceivers, false teachers and distorters of the truth will always be there. The price of living in the truth is eternal vigilance.


Love and the Commandments

But what does John mean by walking in the truth? According to this book and the other books by Joh, it is clear that for him, walking in the truth means to live according to the truth of the message of the gospel.


Is there Life after Death?

Despite living in the Information Age, our culture is impoverished when it comes to providing thoughtful answers to the most important questions of life. Why are we here? Is there a God? Why do we suffer? What happens next? In this five-message series guest speaker, Andy Steiger from Apologetics Canada along with Dr. John Neufeld will help us explore these questions with honesty, clarity, and depth from a Biblical worldview perspective.


Why is there Evil?

Despite living in the Information Age, our culture is impoverished when it comes to providing thoughtful answers to the most important questions of life. Why are we here? Is there a God? Why do we suffer? What happens next? In this five-message series guest speaker Andy Steiger from Apologetics Canada along with Dr. John Neufeld will help us explore these questions with honesty, clarity, and depth from a Biblical worldview perspective


Do all Religions Lead to God?

Despite living in the Information Age, our culture is impoverished when it comes to providing thoughtful answers to the most important questions of life. Why are we here? Is there a God? Why do we suffer? What happens next? In this five-message series guest speaker Andy Steiger from Apologetics Canada along with Dr. John Neufeld will help us explore these questions with honesty, clarity, and depth from a Biblical worldview perspective



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