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Remaining Humble When God Gives You All You Want

Life Lessons From David: The Man Who Would Be King

Victory is a time to celebrate. A sport team raises their trophy. Balloons descend while energetic music blares at a politician’s triumph. Some will even “trash talk” their failed opponent. Today we watch David in a time of victory. His enemy Saul is dead. His pathway to the throne was cleared. Yet, David forbids celebration and laments. Victory is a time to be humble.


Understanding What Ultimately Matters

Life Lessons From David: The Man Who Would Be King

What is of supreme importance in your life? What issue is always underneath everything you say or do? Today Dr. John points to the misplaced priority of King Saul who thought victory over the Philistines took precedence over hearing from God. Drifting from what matters ended in his death. Nothing should replace the primacy of our relationship with God.


Refusing to Run Ahead of God

Life Lessons From David: The Man Who Would Be King

The confidence of a warrior is not enough to enable a king. David knew how to fight; he will need to learn how to reign. Dr. John points to God’s care and schooling for David as he ran from Saul. A key lesson was learned in a cave in En Gedi. We learn to wait on God.


Hanging On When Everything Crumbles

Life Lessons From David: The Man Who Would Be King

Only the naive think that David was prepared to be king at the defeat of Goliath. David demonstrated great courage and faith, but there was much in him that needed to be addressed by the grace of God. Dr. John teaches that the path towards glory is marked by suffering. God’s intent is not pain, but purification. He shaped David for His purposes, even as he shapes us too.


Learning to Fight in Your Own Armour

Life Lessons From David: The Man Who Would Be King

It was over in an instant. The battle between David and Goliath lasted as long as the flight of a stone. David faced Goliath with the tools of a shepherd and had the experience of defending his flock from a bear and lion. Dr. John reminds us that we answer the calling of God with the shaping and resources of God. God had prepared David for this moment. God is preparing you for His purpose as well.



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