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Application #3 – Live by Faith

God's Providence

“What differnece does a healthy biblical view of God’s providence make in every day life?” Dr. John asks and answers this pivotal question. We are reminded to live by faith in our sovereign God. The faith that makes a difference is faith that believes in God’s providence, trusts His wise governance, and then orders life in response to His purposes.


Application #2 – Be Joyful

God's Providence

Every complaint we make about the weather, our health, traffic or neighbours is an insult to the providential work of God. Our complaints suggest that either God is not doing enough, or we don’t like what He is doing! Dr. John points us to Paul’s experience in a Roman jail, and the joy Paul felt despite harsh circumstance. Knowing that God rules over every detail of our lives is cause not only for gratitude, but for deep joy.


Application #1 – Fear Not

God's Providence

Fear is at play in our lives more often than we care to admit. We worry about our health, our family, climate changes, community violence and international tensions. We worry that no one seems to be in charge. But God is! He governs this world every minute. “Fear not,” is God’s assurance and command. We take courage, not because the dangers are illusionary, but because God rules over all. We can trust Him.


God’s Providence for His Glory and Our Good

God's Providence

Every parent has heard their child ask, “Why?” Children can’t understand the complexities of life, and the wise actions of parents confuse them. With God, we are the children. Often we look heavenward and ask, “Why?” The mysteries of Earth and Heaven are hidden within the providential wisdom of God. Dr. John assures us that while we may be baffled by God’s ways, we can trust His goodness and care.


Why Christians Aren’t Fatalists

God's Providence

An old song says, “Que sera sera – whatever will be, will be.” It is the song of a fatalist.Fatalism is driving on a set road heading to a pre-set destination, regardless of what happens .Is fatalism the same as God’s providence? Dr. John walks us through the Scriptures to understand the difference. We will seee that God executes His determined designes through the willing obediecnce of His people. What we are and do matters to God!


The Value of Prayer

God's Providence

What difference does a healthy biblical view of God’s providence make in every day life?” Dr. John asks and answers this pivotal question. We are reminded to live by faith in our sovereign God. The faith that makes a difference is faith that believes in God’s providence, trusts His wise governance, and then orders life in response to His purposes.


But Are We Truly Free?

God's Providence

Inevitably, as we consider the providential rule of God over creation, we have to ask this question, “How does the rule of God intersect my own free choices? If I am free to make my own decisions, how is God in control?” Dr. John helps us understand the Biblical teaching of our free will. What are we free to do?


Two Wills in God – A Little Exercise in Theology

God's Providence

There are things we want but cannot do. There are things we can do, but do not want. Is it the same for God? When we consider the sovereign rule of God over creation, we have to explore the nature of His will. Listen as Dr. John unfolds the Scriptures about the will of God in our world and in our lives.


God Rules Over Good and Evil

God's Providence

The wrongs of this life are obvious. Violence. Exploitation. Cruelty. Destruction. We see instances of evil daily. We are grieved, angered and confused. Why doesn’t God do something about this? Can God do something about this? Listen as Dr. John demonstrates that God’s rule over this earth includes His reign over the sins of this world. We can take hope that nothing will defeat God’s plan – not even sin.


God Rules All Human Lives

God's Providence

Are the conditions of our lives happenstance? Where we are born? How tall we are? Our mental, emotional and spiritual capacities? Dr. John demonstrates Biblically that our lives – and every aspect of them – are products of God’s providence. This message gives us cause for joy and gratitude over God’s care for each one of us.



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