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To Marry or Not to Marry

The Gospel Alternative to the Cultures of Men

A great many single people spend their time wishing they were married. A great many married people spend their time wishing they were single. Who is right? What is the better way to live?


Finishing Well

God's Man

Men of God, after all, are not noted for their accomplishments but they are noted as men who walk with God. That’s how they overcome discouragement and intimidation by others and a sense of aimlessness. It is this intimacy with God that drives them forward not a desire to make a name for themselves


When Faithfulness Demands Perseverance

God's Man

Can you believe that the greatest work you can ever undertake as a man is simply to submit to God’s call rather than a work in which the crowds shout your praises? For if you want significance in the eyes of men you are an idolater.


God’s Goodness Expressed in Male & Females

God's Man

I’m going to spend this series helping young boys and young men and perhaps older men as well celebrate godly manhood. In generations past, this would have been a very easy thing to do. We tended to know what godly and ungodly manhood was and wasn’t but today we have allowed those lines and those definitions to become blurred.



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