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We Need Pro-Life Leadership

We Need Pro-Life Leadership by Dr. John Neufeld - Back to the Bible Canada

A look at the writings of Francis J. Beckwith, and the need for pro-life leadership within our churches. I recently became aware of Francis J. Beckwith’s brilliant book, Defending Life. …


Are You Virtue Signalling?

Are You Virtue Signalling? By Dr. John Neufeld | Back to the Bible Canada

Virtue Signalling. I am told that many major companies in North America do it. One dictionary says that it means to take a conspicuous, noticeable, eye-catching, essentially useless action to support what is deemed…


Episode 144: Truth & Tolerance

Truth & Tolerance - indoubt

As Christians we are told by Jesus to love our neighbours. Well, what happens if your neighbour doesn’t believe in God? On this week’s podcast, we speak with guest, Jonathan Morrow on the topics of truth & tolerance, discussing their meaning and how the Christian understanding of them differ from those in our culture.


Brothers at Law

What is our first responsibility in a dispute with a brother, according to Paul the dispute is not ultimately legal, but spiritual. So how do we resolve disputes within the church?



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