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The Church Deals With Sin

The Mysteries of Compassion
People like to look down on people. Have you noticed that? Years ago there was a very funny half-hour program. It was called, “Corner Gas”, and it was set in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.


Care for the Little Ones

The Mysteries of Compassion
People like to look down on people. Have you noticed that? Years ago there was a very funny half-hour program. It was called, “Corner Gas”, and it was set in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.


Faithful to the Bible

The Mysteries of Compassion
This is not the first time in this section of Matthew where we are forced to examine the role of Scripture in the life of a follower of Jesus.


We All Need a Foretaste of Glory

The Mysteries of Compassion
Richard Baxter was an English Puritan pastor who lived in the 17th century. His most famous work is a book entitled, “The Reformed Pastor” and its still a great help to many pastors today.


The Keys of the Kingdom

The Mysteries of Compassion
There is a story I have heard several times. I don’t think it’s a true account, but I wish it was. At any rate, so the story goes, a man was accepting tickets to get onto a train…


Jesus and His Church

The Mysteries of Compassion
In today’s passage, here in Matthew 16 and then in Matthew 18, these are the only places in the gospels where we find the word, “church”. And that’s interesting.



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