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Not Ashamed of Jesus

Not Ashamed of Jesus by Dr. John Neufeld

I had a remarkable experience the other day. I have been on the road for some time, preaching both in southern Ontario and in southern Manitoba. While in Manitoba, Martin…


Low Hanging Fruit

There are people in Canada who are particularly easy to reach with the gospel and yet have been neglected. I am speaking most specifically of Canada’s large immigrant community.


Celebrating the Gospel in Canada

Back to the Bible Canada celebrates Canada’s 150th birthday. In this special one-week series, Dr. John Neufeld urges Christians to think intelligently about their role and place in this nation and shares what the Bible has to say to Canada.


Interview with Dr. John Redekop

Back to the Bible Canada celebrates Canada’s 150th birthday. In this special one-week series, Dr. John Neufeld urges Christians to think intelligently about their role and place in this nation and shares what the Bible has to say to Canada.


Interview with Dr. Michael Haykin Pt.2

Back to the Bible Canada celebrates Canada’s 150th birthday. In this special one-week series, Dr. John Neufeld urges Christians to think intelligently about their role and place in this nation and shares what the Bible has to say to Canada.



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