Posts Tagged ‘Message 4/5’
Finding Refuge in God
Psalm 31 has the unique distinction of being quoted by both Jonah and Jesus – from the belly of a fish and the cross. It is a Psalm declaring that God is our refuge. There is no question about the quality of God’s shelter. It is only a question of whether we will trust Him. Can we say today like David, “I trust in You O Lord, my times are in your hands?”
READ MOREA Prayer for Vindication
To be vindicated is to be found innocent of accusations. In a deceitful world, unfounded claims and slander can be found. In Psalm 26, David prays for vindication from his enemies. He does not trust in his own perfection but in the eternal justice and righteousness of God.
READ MOREDon’t Underestimate
Confined by time and space, we are not very good at recognizing the importance of a moment, event, conversation or kindness. Any one of these can have powerful impact, but we fail to recognize it. Dr. John echoes Haggia’s encouragement to Israel. While the rebuilidng of the temple seemed small compared to Solomon’s temple, the glory of this structure would exceed the first. Jesus Himself would walk on those stones.
READ MOREThe Final Judgment
Is there life after death? How can one know? Is it for everyone? One of the greatest gaps in the Christian life is a true biblical understanding of eternity, of Heaven and Hell. Not the Misshapen myths of popular culture, not the misinformation simply given to offer comfort, but truth, biblical truth. This 5 message series is based on Dr. John Neufeld’s book, Heaven and Hell.
READ MOREI Will Tell As A Way of Life
Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and preach the gospel. While it is true that not all of us are called to be full-time preachers all are called to make the gospel known in the sphere of influence. We must tell of the great deeds of God & how faith in this God will change both the present & the eternity of those who hear.This series is not intended to make us feel guilty for not evangelizing. Instead, it is designed to provide the tools and incentive to share the gospel, to declare as Asaph, “I WILL TELL.”
READ MOREHezekiah: The Measure of Greatness
If you want to learn from Hezekiah let me ask you, do you want your life to be great or are you content with mediocrity? This sermon is intended for those who want their lives to matter.
READ MOREThriving In Evil Times
Psalm 37 assures us that God will never forsake His people.
READ MORETheodore Epp – Finishing Well
Theodore Epp throughout his life believed in two kinds of faith. Factual faith and appropriating faith. It is the difference between simply believing the facts of our faith to be true and applying or appropriating those facts personally to his life through faith.
READ MOREWhen Faithfulness Demands Perseverance
Can you believe that the greatest work you can ever undertake as a man is simply to submit to God’s call rather than a work in which the crowds shout your praises? For if you want significance in the eyes of men you are an idolater.
READ MOREHell and Christian Motivation
What role does the doctrine of hell play in Christian motivation? If one preaches on hell does it lead to a great many converts? Jonathan Edwards’ famous sermon did not lead to converts at least as far as we know.