Posts Tagged ‘Message 2/5’
Ascribing Glory to God
Worship may seem out of place during a crisis. When things are falling apart, this is the time for solutions and actions. But Psalm 29 demonstrates the centrality of worship – especially when things are hard. Ascribing glory to God in troubled times keeps us focused aright and plants hope against our fears and worries.
READ MOREApproaching the King of Glory
An infinite God cannot be reduced to a single description. The Scriptures use various images and titles to portray His grandeur. The title of “King” meant much to ancient ears, but we may struggle with the term today. Listen as Dr. John points to the majesty of our Lord and the grace He extends to welcome us into His court.
READ MOREIf God is Not Among Us
Anyone taking notes from Haggai’s sermons would find a clear outline. Repeatedly the prophet commands that we, “Take a good hard look at ourselves!” Today Dr. John repeats four considerations from Haggai for personal reflection. Even today, the questions demand an honest answer from each of us.
READ MOREHell and the Nature of God
Is there life after death? How can one know? Is it for everyone? One of the greatest gaps in the Christian life is a true biblical understanding of eternity, of Heaven and Hell. Not the Misshapen myths of popular culture, not the misinformation simply given to offer comfort, but truth, biblical truth. This 5 message series is based on Dr. John Neufeld’s book, Heaven and Hell.
READ MOREI Will Tell What Christ Has Done
Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and preach the gospel. While it is true that not all of us are called to be full-time preachers all are called to make the gospel known in the sphere of influence. We must tell of the great deeds of God & how faith in this God will change both the present & the eternity of those who hear. This series is not intended to make us feel guilty for not evangelizing. Instead, it is designed to provide the tools and incentive to share the gospel, to declare as Asaph, “I WILL TELL.”
READ MOREMoses: Getting There by Going in Circles
Moses who led the people of Israel in circles for 40 years wandering in an unbearably hot desert while they ate the same thing for breakfast, lunch and supper every day while He promised them a land of milk and honey until a whole generation died in the desert. Moses died there as well. Is that leadership? Did God intend that?
READ MOREThe Shepherd Provides
David, after verse 1, explains to us how he has come to the conclusion that with the LORD’s shepherding, that he has no wants, he has everything he could ever want.
READ MOREThe Perseverance of the Elect
For all who have truly renounced their sins and have turned to Christ as their only hope of eternal life the Bible says that this is due to something marvelous that has happened to you. You have been born again.
READ MOREThe Masculine Need for Purpose & Vision
So what does it look like to be uniquely a man, to embrace God’s design and to use His design for His glory? Today we’ll continue to discover the answer as we look at the example of Nehemiah.
READ MOREHell and the Nature of God
In this one-week series, Dr. Neufeld unpacks the often difficult and uncomfortable doctrine of Hell. This study will discuss the biblical description of hell, how we can reconcile hell with the God of the Bible, and how it’s important for Christians to reflect on the seriousness of hell.