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Breaking Down Barriers

Empowered LivingII

It seems self-evident that our society is polarized. We are divided by our politics, hold opposing moral standards, struggle with race relations and regard those with different positions as the enemy. Harmony and peace are reduced to mere words. But God has made something new. Jesus not only draws us close to God, but to one another. The Body of Christ is the beginning of a new humanity. Peace is possible in Jesus Christ.


Discovering Your Spiritual Resources

Empowered Living: Vol I

Who would live as a pauper when their bank account is flooded with cash? Who would wallow in sickness when effective treatment is at hand? Who would want to live alone and lonely when a loving father and family have opened their arms? We shake our heads at those who squander and ignore their resources, but believers do it daily. Dr. John points us to the overwhelming blessings that are ours today in Jesus. We are invited to live by them.


Confidence in the Morning


There are days that you dread. You may be facing difficult choices, hard circumstances or pressure from people around you. How will you get through the day? Psalm 3 is a morning prayer of King David facing extreme difficulties. Dr. John reminds us that regardless of what we face, beginning the day with God as our refuge offers us hope.


The True Sanctuary of God

Jesus Our Sacrifice

Every collector knows that the real item is of more value than a copy of it. The book of Hebrews repeats this central truth. The priestly ministry of sacrifices in an earthly sanctuary are symbols that point to the ultimate ministry of Jesus for us all. Dr. John reminds us that symbols are worthy only if they point us to what is real – the full and sufficient sacrifice of Jesus for our sin. Our confidence for redemption lies in genuine sacrifice and service of our true High Priest – Jesus Christ.


Jesus, Our High Priest

Jesus, Our High Priest

If a priest acts before God on behalf of the people, who acts on behalf of the priest? Every human priest is sinful and fallible. By the mercy of God, a sacrifice was provided annually on the Day of Atonement. Listen as Dr. John points to Jesus, our High Priest who alone is perfect and needs no sacrifice for sin. Rather, He becomes the sufficient sacrifice made once and made for all.


Despair or Delight

Prayers of King David

As creatures of time, the clock never moves more slowly than when we are in pain. In troubles we pray for immediate help and relief. But often God delays. Today Dr. John echoes David’s prayer, “How long?” Walk through through this Psalm and discover David’s secret to hope and perseverence.


Persevering in Hope

Persevering in Hope

We can endure through hardship if there is a reason. That applies to diets, long night shifts, exam week or cancer treatment. Purpose gives rise to perseverence. That is true of our faith as well. Dr. John teaches from 2 Thessaloninans on the reason for endurance of believers. The future return of our Lord is cause for joy and endurance today.


God Has Always Had a People

The Church

Is going to church optional? Some suggest that they can grow in Jesus apart from a connection with the local church. In this mesaage, Dr. John teaches that God has always been gathering a people. In the Old and New Testament, God is gathering a family of faith. Dr. John points out that church is not an activity, but part of our identity as the Body of Christ.


Skill in Living

Wisdom Matters

We often think of education as a means to make a living – a job, career. The wisdom of Solomon points in a different direction. God provides wisdom to make a life – a life blessed by God’s ways. In this study of Proverbs 1-9, Dr. John highlights the wisdom of God for the young and old. We will find that the wisdom which helps us make a life, will provide all the goodness of living.



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