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The Damage of Unbelief

Opportunities can be met with anything from gullibility to cynicism. But there is something else we need to consider, the spectrum of fear to faith. At the doorstep of the promised land, Moses reminded his current generation of how the previous generation failed. Their faith gave way to their fears. Listen as Dr. John points to the three warning signs that our fear is louder than our faith.


The Opportunity of Faith

We can all point to missed opportunities in our lives. A job we turned down. An investment we didn’t make. A friendship we ignored. While we may have regrets, it is an entirely different matter if we spurn God’s invitation. Despite the promise of God, the urging of Moses and the evidence of “milk and honey,” Israel rejected God’s opportunity before them.


The Value of Leadership

Early in Deuteronomy, Moses established a system of judges among the people. It was not simply for administrative reasons alone. The concern was not for efficiency, but justice. The judges were to be impartial, honest and submissive to the purposes of God. Dr. John points out that the qualifications of these men are criteria for all leadership. In our government, communities and churches, God’s standard remains the same.


The Blessings of Leadership

In our day, there is significant skepticism about leaders. Corruption, failure and broken promises have diminished both our respect and appreciation for leadership. The example of Moses redeems the role of leader. Today Dr. John points to Moses, not as a hero, but as God’s provision for the nation – a cause for blessing among the people.


Renewing the Covenant

When rowing a boat, you face the stern. In other words, you move forward by looking backwards. Before a new generation enters the promised land, Moses reminds them of God’s past words and actions. It is more than a history lesson. Every generation must embrace God’s promises on their own. The ultimate question is not about what Israel did – but what we will do with the promises of God.


A Second Chance at Faithfulness

Israel had failed to keep the Sinai Covenant. They feared to trust God when standing on the border of the land of promise. In consequence, they wandered for 40 years, and a new generation arose. Deuteronomy is a series of three sermons Moses preached as they approached the promised land once more. God was inviting them to covenantal faithfulness. Despite their past failures, God extends His promise again. Deuteronomy is about repeated grace.


The Law and the Gospel

Some Christians struggle with their relationship to the Law, as presented in the Old Testament. Some ignore the Law and claim to be “freed” from it. Others see it as a manual towards godly living. Today Dr. John outlines the intent and benefit of the Law for us all. A correct understanding demonstrates that while the Law is not our master nor our strength, it is a teacher and signpost for the Spirit’s work.



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