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In this final message of our series on 2 Timothy, we look at the final words and requests of Paul before his execution. They tell of a man with steadfast faith and graciousness dispite hardship and heartache, from whom we can learn much.


The Good Fight

The Christian life is not easy, and Christian leadership is even harder. To persevere dispite the trials is a battle. We must know God’s purpose for us, cling to His Word, and imitate Paul, who kept the faith.


The Christian Leader’s First Task

For both the leader and the lay Christian, God’s Word must be primary. All believers must always be devoted to knowing Scripture better, but the leaders in the Church have the added primary responsibility to teach it faithfully.


Promises While in Pain

In the midst of pain, persecution, and opposition, we have great reason to be thankful if we have put our hope in Christ. He has already been victorious, and we will be too. Join us for this encouragement today.


Not Ashamed (Part 2)

You were saved not to get what you want out of life but to experience what God wants for your life — even if that includes suffering for the name of Christ. Live out His calling for you with boldness. It’s a privilege and there is great reward.



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