Have Religions Fueled War?
Christianity has been accused as being a violent faith. There is reason for the criticism. Today Dr. John answers those accusations. We find that the cause of conflict is not Christianity but the broken souls of men. Jesus offers the grace of peace and blesses those who do likewise.
READ MOREThe Value of Prayer
What difference does a healthy biblical view of God’s providence make in every day life?” Dr. John asks and answers this pivotal question. We are reminded to live by faith in our sovereign God. The faith that makes a difference is faith that believes in God’s providence, trusts His wise governance, and then orders life in response to His purposes.
READ MOREHealing in Church
Healing is not a divine right of the children of God. It is an action of grace when the sovereign God deems it for His glory and our long term good.
READ MOREPrayer and Healing
There is a basic principle, prayer and praise are for all of life. It is for all of life because it is needed in all of life.
READ MOREFaithful until the End
Endurance is not the same thing as patience. We may endure with angry or bitter spirits. James call us to patience which blossoms into faithfulness.
READ MOREWarning to the Rich
We think that being rich is the optimum life! James warns us of the dangers of wealth.
READ MOREPride and Humility
Pride tells us that we are in control of our own lives. Humility recognizes the need for grace. The good news is that God gives grace to the humble.
READ MOREWinning the War Within and Without
James makes it clear that many quarrels come about because Christian people are not learning wisdom from God. Instead they have never let go of the wisdom of this world.
READ MOREThe Devastation of Earthly Wisdom
If you rely on the kind of wisdom whose origins come from our world and culture, then devastation will follow.
READ MOREThe Tale of Two Wisdoms
How can you tell if something is wise or not? James points to the qualities of God’s wisdom and the destrcution that results from human plans – even if they sound smart.