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Putting it All Together

The Power Of The Gospel

Truth must be spoken and lived, understood and practiced. Knowing the science of balance is one thing, riding a bicycle is another. Paul outlines the facts of the gospel in Romans 1-4, but he then speaks of the power of the gospel in us, chapters 5-8. Today, Dr. John reviews the effect of this good news in the lives and actions of believers.


God Is For Us

The Power Of The Gospel

It’s not hard to look around and count the challenges, obstacles or opposition that presses against our faith. We may feel outnumbered and overwhelmed. But as Dr. John reminds us in this message, it is not who is against us, but who is for us! A stirring message of hope that nothing can stand against us because of Jesus Christ.


The Golden Chain

The Power Of The Gospel

A chain is a series of connected links whose strength is as strong as each individual link. Dr. John teaches from Romans 8 on the theological chain forged by God which holds us to Him, His purposes, and our destiny. This Golden Chain of 5 links has the strength of God. No believer needs ever fear that it will break.


God’s Sovereignty

The Power Of The Gospel

Believers are not immune to the pains of life. People of faith get sick, die in accidents, and can lose their jobs. Today Dr. John teaches on the promise of hope from Romans 8:28. Our confidence rests not in luck or our ability to avoid life’s struggles. We trust in God who is at work in everything for good. Take heart, God is in control.


The Spirit’s Groaning

The Power Of The Gospel

No believer prays alone. We enjoy the fellowship of prayer with others. But even when by ourselves, we never pray alone. Dr. John reminds us of the ministry of God the Spirit. He intercedes for us and prays when our mind or heart are limited. The Spirit stands with us and guides us into the will of God.


Believer’s Groaning

The Power Of The Gospel

Ice cream parlours often allow you to sample a flavour before you buy. That does two things. It assures you that you’ll enjoy the flavour, but it also heightens your desire to buy. Few are satisfied by simply tasting. Dr. John echoes Paul’s teaching that by the Spirit, believers receive a foretaste of what we will be in glory. We groan for more.


Creation’s Groaning

The Power Of The Gospel

The redemption found in Jesus Christ covers all of creation. Even as the whole of creation was stained by sin, so the whole of creation looks to the renewal of God in Jesus. Dr. John reminds us that the efforts of man to prevent and renew the ecology fall short. God Himself will make the earth and all creation exactly as He intended – all for His glory.


The Weight of Glory

The Power Of The Gospel

There are unavoidable truths in life. No matter who you are, where you are or how you live; they are inescapable. Suffering is one of those facts. Today, Dr. John speaks of our present suffering in light of our coming glory. When the certainty of current suffering and promise of future glory are compared, glory shines brighter. Since that is true, if our present sufferings are real, how great the coming glory must be!


The Spirit of Adoption

The Power Of The Gospel

We can become family by birth. We can become family by adoption. God has done both for us. He grants us new life in Jesus, but then He does more. He makes us His family by the Spirit – sons and daughters of God. Dr. John teaches on the abundant graces that have been granted to us. He has offered more to us than could be imagined.


Life in the Spirit

The Power Of The Gospel

When hitting a baseball or riding a bicycle, this principle applies; “You go where you look.” Our bodies will follow our gaze, when swinging at a pitch or navigating a sharp turn. Today Dr. John reminds us that a similar principle is at work in our spiritual growth. When our minds and vision are set on the things of God, we will follow the leading of the Spirt.



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