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The Ressurection of the Body 


Often people think of eternity as only a spiritual dimension. But heaven will not be filled with floating souls. We will have faces with smiles, arms and legs that move us. We will be physically resurrected for eternity. Today Dr. John answers our questions and dispels many of our myths about our future physical state.


A New Heaven and a New Earth


Many people think of heaven simply as an extension of earth, only better! Today Dr. John speaks of heaven and earth as a new work of God. There will be a new earth, transformed from the old. Heaven will no longer be distant but descended upon earth. The lives of God’s people will be filled with unending love, joy, creativity, peace, and worship for the One who has done it all.


What God Has Prepared (Part 1)

The Reason for Our Hope

Let us strain forward fixing our eyes on the prize. The prize is definitely not the prize of getting everything we want out of this life rather it is the city that God has eternally prepared for us


The End of the Night

The Triumph of the Lamb, Vol 4

Powered by RedCircle The Triumph of the Lamb, Vol. 4 – The End of the Night: Revelation 21:22-27 Dr. Neufeld’s fourth and final volume, from the book of Revelation. In…


The New Jerusalem

The Triumph of the Lamb, Vol 4

Powered by RedCircle The Triumph of the Lamb, Vol. 4 – The New Jerusalem: Revelation 21:9-21 Dr. Neufeld’s fourth and final volume, from the book of Revelation. In this study,…


When Everything is New

The Triumph of the Lamb, Vol 4

Powered by RedCircle The Triumph of the Lamb, Vol. 4 – When Everything is New: Revelation 21:1-4 Dr. Neufeld’s fourth and final volume, from the book of Revelation. In this…



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