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March 11, 2024

The Hope of God’s Promise

Hebrews 6:13-20

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Jesus Our High Priest: The Hope of God’s Promise – Hebrews 6:13-20

What’s the ground on which hope stands? Is it a natural sunny disposition? Is hope the product of a “charmed life” or reading the circumstances around you in the best light possible? If hope is simply an expression of optimism, then those foundations may last for a while and for a few. Today Dr. John teaches on the sure grounding for hope for all believers, in all situations, for all time. Listen and let your hope be affirmed and refreshed.

Dr. John Neufeld

Dr. John Neufeld

Dr. John Neufeld is the national Bible teacher at Back to the Bible Canada. He has served as Senior Pastor, church planter, conference speaker and educator, and is known both nationally and internationally for his passion and excellence in expositional preaching and teaching.


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