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May 12, 2021

From the Cross to the World

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The Story of the Bible – From the Cross to the World: Gospels – Acts 15

Have you ever wondered if there was one overarching theme to the story of the Bible? So many of us have reduced the Bible to a series of stories of various people, from whom we can learn some important life lessons but have not seen the grand narrative–the whole picture–which utterly transforms everything we have ever believed about the world. In this 2-week series, Dr. Neufeld takes us on a “tour” to discover the Bible’s larger story!

Dr. John Neufeld

Dr. John Neufeld

Dr. John Neufeld is the national Bible teacher at Back to the Bible Canada. He has served as Senior Pastor, church planter, conference speaker and educator, and is known both nationally and internationally for his passion and excellence in expositional preaching and teaching.


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