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First seen in Truth & Life Magazine

When You Have a Minute…

We live in a hectic world.  At night there is so much running through your mind, so many things to do, so many things left undone, so many problems to solve, so many bad things that could happen. In the day, cell phones are now personal computers.  They dominate many lives, as there is not one moment when we are away from work.  On top of that, we are trying to fit in family, friends, and entertainment into an already busy life.  What a rat race!  I frequently speak with people who tell me they are simply too busy. In fact, we think of busyness as a badge of honour.  It is our way of saying that we are quite important people.  We are busy. But, there is a cost to our jammed schedules and rushed minds. There is a disease in our souls.  We simply do not know how to be quiet.  The results are everywhere.  Stress, high blood pressure, chest pains, a lack of inner peace, a lack of purpose, a growing sense of anger and even depression are all symptoms of restlessness.  Here is a secret – you were created to know both activity and rest.  You were made to have balance.

Saturday to Sunday

We are told in Genesis that God created everything there is and that He did it in six days. On the seventh day, God rested. He was not fatigued nor out of ideas. He rested to pronounce a blessing on this seventh day. This would be a Sabbath day of rest for creation. This rest was demonstrated by God and commanded in the Decalogue for God’s people. It would be a time for physical rest, corporate worship, and personal reflection. While the New Testament ended the necessity of having Jewish distinctiveness, God never stopped wanting us to enter His rest. The early Church celebrated Sunday as the Lord’s Day – a day to fulfill the Sabbath intent. Paul indicates that the day to celebrate Sabbath was a matter of your own personal conviction (Rom.14:5). But the principle of Sabbath was seen as a grace from God. It still is. We do well to hold to a rhythm of rest for our bodies, minds, soul, and homes.

Slow Down and Let God Catch Up

How do we find rest in a restless world? Here is a suggestion. Set aside one day each week for rest. Free yourself from regular obligations. Do only those things that are necessary – and try to get an insight into the necessary and the optional. Use your rest day to hit the reset button. Examine the direction, values and activity of your week, month, and life! A weekly adjustment can keep us aligned to God’s glory. Ensure that this day of rest is also a day of worship. Walk with God through this day. Pray, reflect and give Him thanks. While we can’t slow our society’s pace, a regular Sabbath will prevent us from joining the race.

This booklet is a means of daily Sabbath for you. It is an invitation to find time and space with the Lord who loves you. So, along with a cup of coffee and a comfy chair, bring your longings and faith to these Sabbath moments. God is waiting for us all.


* From Quiet Spaces Vol 2 

Dr. John Neufeld

Dr. John Neufeld

Dr. John Neufeld is the national Bible teacher at Back to the Bible Canada. He has served as Senior Pastor, church planter, conference speaker and educator, and is known both nationally and internationally for his passion and excellence in expositional preaching and teaching.

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