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God’s Sovereignty

The Power Of The Gospel

Believers are not immune to the pains of life. People of faith get sick, die in accidents, and can lose their jobs. Today Dr. John teaches on the promise of hope from Romans 8:28. Our confidence rests not in luck or our ability to avoid life’s struggles. We trust in God who is at work in everything for good. Take heart, God is in control.


Application #4 – Be Optimistic

God's Providence

The dictionary defines optimism as a perspective which sees the favourable side of life. Many rest their optimism on the shoulders of their skills, resources or even luck. Dr. John reminds us that smiling at the future is possible not because of our capacity or actions, but because of God’s providence. We can embrace the favourable side of life and eternity because God is in charge. This brings hope, courage and a smile.


God’s Providence for His Glory and Our Good

God's Providence

Every parent has heard their child ask, “Why?” Children can’t understand the complexities of life, and the wise actions of parents confuse them. With God, we are the children. Often we look heavenward and ask, “Why?” The mysteries of Earth and Heaven are hidden within the providential wisdom of God. Dr. John assures us that while we may be baffled by God’s ways, we can trust His goodness and care.


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